3 Days

Your new pet is still trying to figure out their new home and their new family. They are overwhelmed and uncomfortable, they do not know where to go potty, where to eat, where to sleep, or what they’re allowed to do. You can expect them to be shy and timid, and possibly show signs of stress. They may come to you for comfort, or they may avoid contact. They may not eat for a day or two, and may also have stress diarrhea. Please remember to be patient and kind as they are adjusting.

3 Weeks

They are settling into their new routine and getting more comfortable. With the exception of serious behavior issues or past trauma, they should be socializing well with their new family members. They should now start showing their true personality – playing with toys, seeking affection, and finding their favorite spots.

3 Months

Your new pet is officially feeling like part of the family! They should now feel comfortable and secure in their new home. You’ve built a bond of love and trust, and also a routine that you all follow. Your new pet now feels safe at home and with your family. If any behavior problems still exist, continue to work with them, and possibly bring in a trainer to help. You can also always call the shelter and speak with our Licensed Veterinary Technician for advice!

Give them time! Remember, you’re in for a lifelong commitment and there will be many challenges, but there will also be many more great moments. Remember to be kind, gentle, and most importantly, patient. Enjoy your new best friend, and thank you for adopting!!